Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chapter 3 - "Ask Me No Questions"

"You're on the road with your sister, and your father is in INS detention, and your ma is sleeping on a shelter cot, and you figure maybe the two of you have a lot to talk about.
We don't.
This registration thing. Going to Canada. Deportation. Aisha hasn't said a word. She doesn't have an answer, the right phrase or sentence to make it all better. Most of the time she drives in angry silence. She won't even let me turn on the radio."

I think that this quote shows a good example of what Aisha and Nadira's relationship is really like. Nadira doesn't have the confidence to speak up to Aisha, and Aisha is so full of contempt for Nadira that she won't talk either. Especially for this recent part of the book, where they are driving back to New York, Aisha and Nadira should really start to accept each other, if that means that Aisha needs to swallow her pride once in a while or that Nadira needs to gain confidence. I hope the sisters bond more later in the book.

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